Stupidfuture: Obscure Sci-Fi Parodies

Those who fear the future are largely afraid to laugh at it….

Archive for October, 2020

This Is The (Stupid) Future, Folks!

Posted by stupidfuture on October 25, 2020

Sooner or later, we had to arrive in a future of some kind. For me and all of Gen X, I am officially declaring 2020 to be “the future”. We are here. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we dreamed all of our childhoods and adolescences about arriving in….and it’s much dumber than we ever could have imagined. We have seen the future…and the future is stupid.

It wasn’t a cool 80s apocalypse like we had imagined, even. No killer robots, no alien invasion. Just a stupid pandemic. People hoarded spam and ran out of toilet paper. You can’t go to the movies or go out to eat, for the most part, and when you do leave the house, you need to be wearing some kind of protective mask. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up–which is actually my point. This isn’t the future that I had ordered. I didn’t order a 2020 without Eddie Van Halen, or Tony Lewis from The Outfield.

And I didn’t order a 2020 without Greg.

Greg was the other half of this blog, fully 50% responsible for the enjoyable madness here. He passed away in August 2019 at the age of 47 from a heart attack, and I miss him more than you can imagine. Brother, friend, co-conspirator….words aren’t enough. He missed the final Star Wars sequel film, the last Terminator flick, and he never got to see The Mandalorian. He did watch some of the Yamato 2199 series with me, and noted that he preferred the original. I know that we would have enjoyed and laughed through much more bad sci-fi with him. Sooner or later, we might have even gotten around to creating a few more cartoons here.

I know I haven’t been here in seven years, but a lot has happened in the meantime. I actually stopped in because someone else is now using the domain that I had let expire, and wanted to change our pointers away from it. I have no idea what their site is about, but they just aren’t us. Anyway, here’s a bonus for stopping by, a script for a cartoon never produced from the earliest days of the site:

[Vader and Kenobi’s Lightsaber Battle]
Panel 1: Obi-Wan: “If you strike me down now, Darth, I shall become…”
Panel 2: Vader chops him in half. THACK!
Panel 3: Vader steps in gooey off-white substance. Vader: “Rice Pudding?”
Panel 4: Rice Pudding in Kenobi robe: “Ah, Crap!”

Peace and safety to all. Take care.

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