Stupidfuture: Obscure Sci-Fi Parodies

Those who fear the future are largely afraid to laugh at it….

Posts Tagged ‘Karl Urban’


Posted by stupidfuture on June 9, 2013


———————-You’ve been warned————————-

So I saw Star Trek Into Darkness (STID) last night.  Greg and I also saw The Darkness in Lancaster, PA, a few weeks back.  They were awesome.  Justin Hawkins is the sole remaining living embodiment of Rock and Roll.  He literally climbed the walls and rode around on some guy’s back.  I personally would like to see the new cast of Start-Wreck (cause a lot of things were wrecked in this movie) join The Darkness–or more precisely, vice versa.  Frankie Poulain would make a mean-looking first officer.

Anyway, I kinda think I saw this movie before, but backwards.  Kirk dies in the warp chamber, and Spock screams “KHAN!!!”.  Okay, so it was decent.  I do like the new cast, particularly Karl Urban as Bones and Chirs Pine as Kirk.  I think Kirk makes a few “unKirklike” choices in the movie, including one part where he whines that he doesn’t know what to do, yet mostly, he does fulfill that poster: he can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome he believes he is.  He also signs on to assassinate Khan early in the movie, but that’s just not Kirk-style.  There was a robot dude on the bridge, I suppose a tribute to Data in Next Gen, but at first I thought he was a Deltan.  You don’t really know until you see some big Matsumoto dial sticking into the back of his head.  Well, maybe he’s a cymol–human with a robot brain, I think Jack Chalker came up with the term back in the 80s.

The best character by far has to be the diminutive, speechless alien that Scotty refers to as a walking oyster.  I was thinking cabbage, really, or Nien Numb from Jedi.  I would say that he’s Scotty’s mini-me, except that Scotty doesn’t look like an oyster.  He was fairly pickled in once scene, though.  It really does sound like the ghost of Jimmy Doohan.  The all-time best though was Peter Weller–that’s right, Buckaroo Freakin’ Bazai!  Man, he looks old.  Sorry, Buckaroo, we love you like nobody’s business.  Blue Blaze irregular here in the Garden State.  But why’d you have to try to blow up James Kirk?  And your own daughter?  Sheesh.

So you know that this movie is basically Wrath of Khan all over again, except that Khan doesn’t die, he just gets turned back into a popsicle after they use his blood to bring Kirk  BACK FROM THE DEAD.  That’s right, folks.  And he wasn’t even wearing a red shirt (Checkov was though).  Kirk is now a zombie, who, along with an army of reanimated tribbles, will attempt to eat yer brainz in the middle of the night!  Or the next movie.  Well, he might try to eat Carol Marcus first.  Yummy, though you would rather see a little meat on her bones.  (Ahnold: Vhat have you been feeding dis theeeng? Kirk: Blondes….)

I liked the Klingon face-spine ear piercings.  Uhura claimed to speak Klingon, but hey, we’ll never really know, since she just could have had a bad cold with a lot of mucus.  What do Klingons call their face-spines anyway?  If a kid gets food on it, what do the Klingon parents say?  Oh, yeah, that’s right…nobody can tell because it seems like they are just having a tasty cold.

In short: much better than the first Star Trek reboot, which I liked.  It’s neat to watch the good ol’ NCC-1701 go atmospheric, but you know they stole that off the BSG reboot.   One lingering question: if most of Starfleet’s Senior Staff was machine-gunned (err, layered) by Khan in the Khan-ference room, who is left actually in charge of Kirk?  And why exactly are they sending him on a five-year mission when war with the Klingon empire is so apparent?  Well, maybe they ARE building ten more ships of the Andromeda class to take on the White Comet, that would do it.  Oh, wait….that was StarBlazers….I would like to see ten Andromeda class ships go up against the Klingon D4s, though, they seemed much more wimpy than the D7s of yore.

Posted in Star Trek (2013) | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Sulu Jonses White Castle

Posted by stupidfuture on May 18, 2009


Medical Personel Mystified By Unprecedented Gristle Cravings

Medical Personel Mystified By Unprecedented Gristle Cravings

The casting for the new Star Trek  movie was mostly top notch.    Well, okay, a lot of people really could have been Kirk or Spock, your basic angry hothead or cold logic-driven types.  Nah, the one that was really impressive was Dr. Leonard McCoy.  We all know and love DeForest Kelly’s performance, but how would you describe it, really?  Cantankerous?  Is that even a word anymore?  If it is, McCoy owns it.  No matter, Karl Urban pulled it off with flying colors. Makes you miss the old sickbay scanners just a tad, though.

And John Cho delivered a spot-on performance as Hikaru Sulu.  Cho is a Sulu of action, not slowly delivered repetitions of the same line (“Captain.  Phasers.  Locked.  And.  Ready.”)  And he’s so good in the role that it’s hard to recall his earlier performances as stoner accountant Harold Lee in the Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle movie and all its various sequels (Harold and Kumar Go To Amsterdam, Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, and the forthcoming A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas…no, I’m not kidding….At least until you leave the theatre and start thinking about it.

I only had one gripe with the new ‘Trek and that’s no matter how big a metaphor it is, you just can’t build a starship in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.  You’re going to get corn weevils in the warp nacelles.  As a comedy, I only had two gripes about the first Harold and Kumar:  1.  There are White Castles in both Edison, NJ and Greenbrook, NJ that are closer, and 2.  There is no actual hill in Cherry Hill to hang-glide off of.   So that’s why it made sense to go to Canada to film it, I guess: if the actual geography of New Jersey doesn’t match the script, go to Canada.  Do not pass White Castle, do not collect “Slider” pack….

Trek On.

Posted in Movie Parodies, Star Trek, Star Trek (2009), Television Parodies | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »