Stupidfuture: Obscure Sci-Fi Parodies

Those who fear the future are largely afraid to laugh at it….

Earth Day PSA with Kevin Costner

Posted by gregchiaramonti on April 22, 2009

Earth Day PSA with Kevin Costner

I’ll have a glass of whatever he’s drinking… On second thought, if I’m on a boat with Kevin Costner’s future fish-man, I’ll pass on that drink. Though I guess they’re drinking that on the Space Station now. And we probably all will be in a few years if the environment continues to degrade and drinking water becomes scarce.

The Costner sci-fi epic Waterworld is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, though. I usually get sucked (appropriate word) into watching it whenever it’s on TV, and have to pull myself away since watching the whole movie feels like losing an entire day. The only part of The Postman I thought was cool (spoilerz) was with Tom Petty appearing as himself, somewhat.

So, please, do your part to recycle and conserve energy, plant trees, etc., so that humankind can continue to live on this planet, without the need for any new Costner epics. Though that jet-ski stunt show at Universal Studios kinda rocked.

Happy Earth Day! (Can you really be happy about a day with such a downer message?)

– Nigel Matrix

3 Responses to “Earth Day PSA with Kevin Costner”

  1. […] Original post by gregchiaramonti […]

  2. realitypod said

    i love Kevin Costner! thanks

  3. The Waterworld live Jet-Ski show-izzle absolutely rocked entirely. Seriously, if it were a band, it would at least be Iron Maiden. Maybe Judas Priest.

    The movie…well, let’s just say after it, I though Costner was a little “washed up”. If only it had been more like Knight Rider and less like Waterworld. Muh-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah. Great post, dude.

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